Fayette County Integrated Community Engagement (ICE) Collaborative
ICE Collaborative
The Integrated Community Engagement (ICE) Collaborative is the Iceland Prevention Model at work in Fayette County, WV.
To find out more about the Iceland Model read this article: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/01/teens-drugs-iceland/513668/?fbclid=IwAR3mSt2gKI3EfjufYhwVJRzoI7jlz11f-QlzY55rkye-gwzpQxTld8dIw28
Like the Iceland Prevention Model, the central mission of the ICE Collaborative is to strengthen the protective factors and reduce the risk factors in the lives of our young people. It is drug prevention that focuses less on drugs and more on how Fayette County communities can build strong communities around youth. We work with our partners at the West Virginia Prevention Research Center and the WVU School of Public Health to connect researchers, providers, policy makers and community members to strategize on how to best support youth in the domains where they operate; family, school, peers and leisure time.
This anonymous and confidential data is gathered annually through surveys taken by students in the 7th-12th grades. The data helps to secure funding for things like meaningful, youth centered programs and for changing the environment around youth to decrease risky behaviors. Delaying the initiation of substance use even by a year or two has been shown to decrease the chance of substance use disorder (addiction) later in life and increase the likelihood of graduating from high school.
Data is available for all citizens in Fayette County and meetings centered on the data are encouraged to best strategize on how to implement actions that are locally tailored. To schedule community meetings, feel free to contact Katie Johnson through the information provided below.
(304) 663-1922
For more info on the information and data above, please reach out to the Fayette County Health Department or Katie Johnson
Fayette County Health Department
5495 Maple Ln
Fayetteville, WV 25840